New Podcast Episodes Available!

Episode 1, Elle chante uk

In this episode, Artist, Model, and Invisible illness activist ELLE CHANTE UK in conversation with company founder NAMYWA speaking about what it means to be a female entrepreneur in today's world, sharing some of her hard knocks & her triumphs.
ePIsode 2, Jenica Leah

In this episode, award-winning author, founder of JLG Publishing & Sickle Cell ambassador JENICA LEAH in conversation with company founder NAMYWA speaking about her journey as a creative female entrepreneur living with a blood condition.
Epis0de 3, Dionne Samuels

In this episode, Engineer and (100-meter sprint) athlete DIONNE SAMUELS is in conversation with company founder NAMYWA speaking about what it means to be a female entrepreneur in today's world as a female working in sports & engineering.
Episode 4, Daljinder johal

In this episode, Filmmaker, Producer, and Creative disruptor DALJINDER JOHAL is in conversation with company founder NAMYWA, speaking about her experiences whist on her professional grind, South Asian Arts and Culture and LGBTQ Art Activism.
Episode 5, Natalie Edwards Yesufu

In this episode, Actress, Film producer and founder of Transition stage company and emerging writers competition Enter Stage Write, NATALIE EDWARDS YESUFU is in conversation with company founder NAMYWA speaking about what it means to be a female entrepreneur in navigating the UK Film and creative industries.
Episode 6, Chantel Sachanah

In this episode, business coach, brand owner, and founder of Luxury Hair Butter CHANTEL SACHANNA is in conversation with company founder NAMYWA speaking about her journey as a female entrepreneur and creating her brand and overcoming mental blocks both in life and in business.